PUNCH Magazine weekly

Issue 69

PUNCH Magazine
The Official Weekly humourous and satirical publication of MIKE JESSOP

Meet your division 3 candidate for the Sunshine Coast Council QLD

Mike Jessop V1 C2 D3 line_1579666714844

Go on, admit it. At times you really can't stick voting for the same old political parties. Sometimes they just seem dreary. Other times, you're living contentedly when up crops the problem: "too much bureacracy" or "too many government charges", or out of touch with people and business - too many opportunities missed. Happily, there's nothing wrong with you or DIVISION 3 that a change of Candidate won't cure. He's called MIKE JESSOP The new INDEPENDENT for Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020, it can solve your business's problems and improve your and your families opportunities for Sunshine Coast QLD Australia in general and DIVISION 3 in particular.

Just send off the accompanying form or call 07 5499 6937 now we'll aim to send you your MIKE JESSOP INDEPENDENT information pack within 48 hours.

How does it work?
Once you've received your information pack, which shows you how to complete your ballot paper, as directed against MIKE JESSOP Vote 1 for Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 and in a matter of days, DIVISION 3 SCRC QLD and Australia will be given a new lease of life.

Naturally, by voting for MIKE JESSOP his vote will work together with other preferences you have marked on your ballot paper to form a Coalition with other candidates who have been successful at this election as INDEPENDENTS. It will also provide performance enhancements to you, your work, your job and your family and enable you to take more opportunities, safely and reliably, without risking your business or health.

It is time to elect a hard working and determined local government that will take a fresh approach and which has the necessary skills to succeed

Take part in the democratic process today. Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020

How does MIKE JESSOP Vote 1 for Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 enhance performance?

To start with, Mike Jessop comes complete with background as a local Businessman and boat builder who has succeeded in electronics manufacture, as a Landlord, and of course DIVISION 3 has been home to Mike Jessop for the last twenty years

Mike has been on the committee at the Caloundra Rugby Union Club as Secretary and First Aider and as member of the Caloundra Cricket Club as well as Councillor at Holy Trinity Kawana Waters as Parish Council and was Elected Member of the Meridan State School Council and continues on at the Meridan State School Industry Reference Group

As his experience suggests, Mike Jessop brings to the Local Council a personal awareness of housing policies and not just for the homeless Mike Jessop sympathises with the record number of bankruptcies and dispossessions over recent months and is determined to bring about economic and monetary reform particularly to reduce the burden of bureaucracy and taxation

How can INDEPENDENT Candidate Mike Jessop solve...um, er...too many opportunities missed
As you probably know, the quality of Councillor is reflective of the sheer volume of local authority professional politicians. To overcome this, the Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 is a Candidate with successful business experience as a pre-requisite. This ensures access to better personnel and skills required to manage our local economy than those available through local authority / public sector experience. Business experience brings the necessary experience and know-how to understand our wealth and tax generating economy

Hence the inability to solve the problem of too many opportunities missed can become a thing of the past

What other problems can voting for MIKE JESSOP Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020candidate avoid?
Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 can solve a range of other problems. For example Mike Jessop as well as being a successful businessman in electronics and boat manufacture, for thirty years Mike Jessop has done the Sales Marketing and Public Relations for his Boat Building company and is actually a qualified Coxswain. Mike Jessop moved to DIVISION 3 in 1999 with his wife and family with three children at University hes is now remarried to Jasmine and enjoys music, walking, cycling kayaking rugby and cricket. Mike Jessop's knowledge and experience as a local businessman means he understands the opportunities that are available to Australians and knows the time is right for other than professional politicians to get actively involved in seizing opportunities for Australia in general and for DIVISION 3 in particular

What other experience does Mike Jessop bring to Sunshine Coast Regional Council?
To anyone that deals with the plight of homeless people a knowledge of housing legislation is indispensible and not only for the extra insight that Mike Jessop brings to housing. A successful Landlord Mike Jessop brings an experience of housing legislation "from the ground up" that has witnessed an unnecessary increase in the number of homeless people on the Sunshine Coast. Mike Jessop has the necessary imagination and drive to change all that

What do I do now?
All these advantages justify ousting the existing incumbents in favour of the Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 today.

All you need do is to Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020; However after March 2020 the price could be continuing bureaucracy and taxation

How can I use my vote until March 2020? After 2020 frankly we're going to need a man like MIKE JESSOP to combat the complete lack of imagination of the present incumbents. To help in this campaign call 07 5499 6937 / 0416 293 686 or email MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 1 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 QLD SCRC office here, act today, today's the day, join now
Mike JESSOP INDEPENDENT Party office here, act today, today's the day, join now

And Vote 1 for MIKE JESSOP Candidate Number 2 INDEPENDENT DIVISION 3 SCRC on March 28th 2020 Together we will change the course of history

May God bless you

PUNCH Magazine weekly

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With apologies to LONDON and his mate CHARIVARI

Tel: 07 5499 6937
Ph: 0416 293 686
Contact Mike

* Conditions apply
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